Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The What and the Why

So Mommy Calling Cards...

Essentially, they're a business card. They're your personal info - on a card. Whatever you want it to say. You might be like me and wrinkle your nose at first. How silly. How nonsensical. How anti-frugal.

But the seed was planted and it's been growing in my mind slowly. As I've given out my e-mail address, phone number, and/or blog address several times recently I've thought.. how handy would that be. Especially since you know.. if I hand someone a card for my phone number I may also get a new bloggy friend. And I love you my bloggy friends.

Aside from handy, and that they are ridiculously cute and fun, I started realizing that should I want to be recognized as such I need to first acknowledge myself as a professional. I am a professional homemaker, professional mommy and wife. Not only do I put in full time, and overtime, I'm constantly trying to learn more, improve, and extend my repertoire of talents and gifts. Would it be odd to hand out "my card" when someone asks for my information? Of course not! If it's applicable in any way, shape, or form to their profession, what professional would not hand out their card?

Thus - I want mommy cards.

Here are a few that came up when I goodsearched them :

A Touch of Whimsy

Sophie and Spice

(I do not know anything about any of those companies, and therefore cannot endorse them other than - look at those stinkin' cute cards!)

So, if you know of a good Mommy card place.. let me know. In particular I love to buy from WAHM's. Hmm.... maybe I should go search Etsy.

And... for fun, here's a picture of me modeling my new scarf and necklace from Africa. Do not knock the camera phone/mirror picture. My children were sleeping, who else could have taken it and when else do I have time for a photo shoot?

Ta da!


danica said...

One of my friends out here -- pastor's wife, actually -- has such cards. And they're super pretty! She was so giddy when she handed them out to all of us a gathering. "I always wanted business cards, and then I just became a wife and mommy, and then I thought, 'Hey! Why not?'" Yeah? Why not??


Erin said...

I LOVE this idea!

It would be a total time saver! I think of all the times I've jotted down my info for someone on the corner of an envelope or on the back of a receipt... tacky, huh?

I think this is perfect! Thanks for the good advice!

Jackie | One Redeemed Mom said...

I'm already hooked on diaperswappers, now I'm going to search for mommy cards! LOL Josh is going to ban me from the internet! So many cute things - such a restricting budget! Ah well, I'll be thankful for it when we have what we really need - curriculum. :-)

Sarah O said...

That necklace is sooo cool! I think I am addicted to interesting necklaces now that I have my nursing necklace. I just want to get more so I can have an interesting variety.
And that is a pretty good shot.. I like your shirt too, where is that from?

Unknown said...

Mommy cards, indeed! I'm going to have to look into this!

carole said...

I have been meaning to print some for myself for a few years now. Yes, we "need" them. Keep us posted on what's out there!

Rissa said...

This is a great idea. There are some pretty amazingly adorable designs on those sites you linked to! Fun!

Love the necklace, love the scarf. Cute ensemble. Totally. :)

PS - Micro greens are basically just older sprouts that have several leaves. They're full of good stuff - and they're sort of spicy tasting! Mmm!

Carpenters said...

I've been reading and enjoying your blog for about a week now and I thought it was time to introduce myself. I found your blog while searching for other Ethiopian adoptive moms in NY. My husband and I came home in January with our two little ones from Ethiopia. If you're interested, I blogged about our journey.

The mom cards are so cute. It's such a great idea. I'm off to search for my own. The scarf and necklace are beautiful. I have a couple of mirror pictures. Sometimes it's the only thing that works.


Jenna Harris said...

My hubby got my cards once from vista print. But we didn't stay at that address very long, but you're right it would be sooooo handy.

PS Love the pic! Super cute scarf and necklace.

David said...

Live the idea. will give you 100 business cards for $6.99. You can design them right from the site. I have done business with them in the past, and they are great.

Unknown said...

I made up my own today on a Microsoft Home Publishing program. They turned out really great (if I do say so myself)! I think this is a great idea and I will be passing them out to friends and family!