Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Chickens

Interesting title huh?

I bet you're wondering if it's metaphorical. Well, I very may have gone of the deep end, fallen off my rocker, any other figures of speech that would work well here?

For a person who has a fear of birds.. I've done a crazy thing.

I picked these up today :

Because they're so cold and huddled together, you can't see that I actually have 21 chicks in that box.

We have 7 black australorps, 7 red star, and 7 americana chicks.

This is what they will look like when they are full grown.

Black Australorp Hen
Red Star Hen

Americana Hen

So just in case taking care of 5 kids, a dog, a cat, a husband, and homeschooling wasn't enough for me.... I now have 21 little chicks depending on me for their very existence!!

I don't even know how it happened, it was all so fast. Jacob and I were discussing about 2 weeks ago how nice it is my parents have chickens to have fresh, organic, free range eggs all the time. I mention it to my mom that maybe we should give it a try sometime. Key word, sometime. She says "Oh call Carolyn" (a mutual friend who also has chickens) "She's going to order some soon, you guys could order together and save on shipping." Ok. I call Carolyn who says "Oh I was about to order tomorrow.. call me back with how many and what breed you want."

So in the rush of if-I'm-going-to-do-this-it-has-to-be-quick I forget.. um, I LOATHE birds! So Jake and I talk it over, pick out some birds quick and I call her back. 2 weeks later.. the reality sets in.. and I get the phone call. The chicks are here.

Um.. I have 21 chicks in my garage!
I like how this one seems to be looking at me

Well, even if it was a crazy, last second decision.. at least I won't be paying an arm and a leg for good eggs anymore. Anyone local want to buy some in about 6 months?


danica said...

Oh, totally awesome!

Back home, the Tomfords (associate pastor) recently bought a hobby farm, and slowly but surely are filling it up with animals --- and they are both city folk! This gives me hope, because as much as I love the idea of having chickens and turkeys and all that, I'm totally clueless!

Anyway, I'm sure you'll be fine. Right? I don't know much, but I do know that chickens don't typically eat full grown women. :)

Eliza Ray said...

I was thinking about how weird it is that you are scared of birds and somehow ended up with 21 of them anyway...But this explains it a little bit, haha.

I like how that one chick is just staring you down. It's like he's letting you know when he's grown up he's going to eat you. ...Or something. ;P. Maybe I just get way too paranoid about chickens, haha.

Jackie | One Redeemed Mom said...

Hi Katie!

I've been lurking your blog for a few weeks and decided to introduce myself. I don't think you'll remember me. We met once (I think, maybe at their wedding? or Steve and Sarah's wedding?) through Liz Daby. She and I were roommates in college.

Just wanted to say way to go on the chicks! We have aspirations of a hobby farm someday and just thinking about the chickens gives me the shivers. I do not like chickens. So share you wonderful insight as they grow!

~Jackie Card