Awesome apron aside, I love love love love love family businesses. I also LOVE seeing women use their natural gifts and flourish in their own personal Proverbs 31 calling and step out in faith to do this: "She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes." Pr. 31:24
I have been so blessed lately to see different friends doing this (do they know they are? Well, I'm letting them know - you are using your natural, God given gifts as a Pr. 31 woman yourself!). One starting to find something she's talented at, and another putting her creations out there for others to be blessed to buy!
Anyway, that was a tangent. I love Marie-Madeline studios for the beautiful dynamic of mothers and daughters working, designing, sewing, and selling together! I drooled and oooohed and aaaaahed over their aprons. When I won an apron I was ecstatic! Once I received it in the mail I knew it was fate - I must have more of these aprons.
When they announced that they had taken their pattern to press and that you could BUY the pattern for the very reasonable cost of $8.00, I was THRILLED!!! Yes.. I bought it.
So I've had my patterns (ok, I admit I bought both of their apron patterns) sitting on my desk like little trophies for a week or two. I'd admire them as they caught my eye as I'd walk by and couldn't wait to give them a try.
My mother-in-law stopped in the other day and saw me modeling my Marie-Madeline apron and exclaimed over how cute it was. It's definitely right up her alley. With her birthday coming (tomorrow) I of course thought.. OOOOoo perfect birthday gift!
So.. I went to JoAnn's, agonized over which material was just right. It actually took me over an hour and with how far away we live from JoAnn's.. I think I'm just going to purchase material online from now on. I finally picked out some pretty, vintage looking fabrics and here are my results!
I would normally not choose so many bold materials to use together, but I was inspired by Marie-Madeline's material choices. If you visit their Etsy Shop you'll see how many fun varieties they have put together!
So here is my version of their Pleated Cottage Apron.

I sure hope she likes it! I encourage you to give it a try yourself. If I can follow and sew this pattern - anyone can!
Love those aprons and am so glad you won one!
And now you're getting to pass it on! Great gift. She will undoubtedly love it!
That is super cute. I have not sewing talent or a sewing machine for that matter. My MIL helps with my hemming since I am so lame.
Excellent Job!
Hey Katie! Did Sarah talk to you about a Arbonne (make-up and skin care line) party I am having on Thursday night? I would love for you to come if you can! Sarah is coming..its at 7:30 at my house and I live in the city by Highland Hospital. Let me know if you think you can make it!
WHEN do you find time to sew??? And WHAT do you do with your children while you're sewing?
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