Friday, March 14, 2008

Getting Books the Green Way!

Whoooooooooaaaaa Holy Moley! Am I excited!

If you're a book addict and buy them faster than you can read, like myself, you are going to LOVE me (unless you've already heard.. then... well, everyone else will love me)

I just learned about PaperBack Swap

WAIT! Don't click the link yet. If you join up, please remember to put me in as your referring person so that I can earn a credit that way. Here's my referring e-mail address kebel at rochester dot rr dot com (only you put @ instead of "at" and . instead of "dot"... you know)

Ok.. either read on or continue on your way to click the above link.

The way it works is easy. It's currently a free membership. You get 2 credits for signing up and listing your first 10 books that you'd swap to someone else! When someone requests a book that you have listed you accept their request, mail the book, and earn a credit. You can use each credit to request a book that others have listed! There's a whole library to look through!

Ok - ingenious. I will be saving lots of $$$ and lots of trees.

Sorry, I'm cheating on you.

**Edit: I have already had 2 of my books requested! Also, I think you homeschool mom's should know that homeschooling is one of their most popular genres! There are all sorts of homeschool resources there!

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