Thursday, June 19, 2008

Things I don't want to know

Have you ever avoided asking something - because you didn't want the answer?

My mom was misdiagnosed as having Crohn's Disease about 10-12 years ago. Then, about a year or two back she learned that she actually has Celiac's Disease. Celiac's Disease is something you are genetically susceptible to. My sister was tested about a year or less ago, and she too, now must live gluten free forever.

There have been results showing children with an ASD improve dramatically on a permanent gluten free diet. We received results back last Thursday for Isaac. We had not previously tested him, although I suggested it because of the family history, because our doctor really didn't feel it was necessary. I was semi-contented with that. In my heart, I had this feeling that we would need to put Isaac on a permanent gluten-free diet, but I was so secretly hoping he would be in the clear.

Please don't take this the wrong way, because I am happy that we were finally able to get testing done for him. But when we got the results back I wanted to cry. Not only is Isaac having an active elevated antibody response to dietary gluten sensitivity, but he has 2 genes predisposing him to gluten sensitivity. I'm not a geneticist so please don't ask me to explain, but he has received a gene from each myself and Jake. Which means that all of our children need to be on gluten-free diets thanks to our special combination of genetics.

We are so fortunate to have so much information readily available to us, lots of books, cookbooks, recipes, well labeled food, etc. But can I just tell you that I cried? I cried because I like food. I should say I love it. I love to cook, I love my favorite meals, I am definitely attached.

In the past week we've gone gluten free in the house. This means.. the kids are gluten free all the time. Jake and I are sneaking it when they aren't looking if we're out. The kids have taken this so very well. Isaac initially cried when he learned we couldn't get cheeseburgers at Burger King anymore. Aside from that, they've done awesome. In our first gluten-free week we have even had to attend not one, but two birthday parties, in which they were totally awesome sports about not getting the cake. (they did get special gluten-free treats of their own. But still, no tears over the lost cake people!) I have felt so very proud of them.

I should go totally gluten free since thyroid disease is related to Celiac's. I know. All of you who have been praying are now wondering why I haven't taken the plunge to totally purge gluten from my life. It's because I LOVE THE FOOD! I just can't go cold turkey. Apparently my children are stronger than I am. But I'm slowly working on it.

I initially balked at what this might do to our grocery bill. But I think once I get the hang of it and the new grocery shopping under my belt we will even out.

So in honor of this new change in our life, I have decided we will be doing "Gluten Free Friday" here at my blog! I will share with you good websites, yummy recipes, helpful links, shopping tips, and whatever else I should be learning in this new journey of our life.


Kristin said...

I really feel for your kids...and you. I know there are worse things in the world, but to a kid, this is big stuff. I almost cried thinking about your little boy crying about not getting cheeseburgers anymore because I could imagine Gavin (5) doing the same thing. Thankfully, kids are generally more adaptable than adults so they should do fine. We'll keep you in our prayers.

Precision Quality Laser said...

I'm sorry to hear about the diagnosis for your children, but I am glad that changing your diet can help! Don't we, as mothers, push our kids to eat healthier than we do? But we so often forget that we need to be healthy too! (At least I Also, we have to set an example of healthy eating for our children. Which is why, even though I really don't like peas or green beans, I will eat them if they are in the meal. To set an example. We do sacrifice as parents, don't we? Be proud that you are sacrificing for the health and well being of your children. You CAN do it! Phil 4:13...and see my post ( if you haven't read it already. It was such revelation to me :)

Oh and thank you for stopping by and commenting! :)

Mrs. Q

Hannah said...

I am really sorry for ya..but at the same time this is requiring you to eat like most of us need to eat anyway! Jeremy and I are both on a gluten free diet and have been for a while and its great! We eat alot of brown rice, brown rice pasta, crackers, pizza crust. The good thing is there is so many options out there now for being gluten free and Wegmans has a nice size gliten free section.

Hope it goes well!

Unknown said...

My sister has had to go gluten free with her kids. Her daughter due to severe food allergies. Her son because of his PPD-NOS (this places him in same category as Autism). It has been hard on her too. But her kiddos are doing great on it.

I can believe that it will be harder for you and your husband since you are used to eating food with gluten. But, I'm sure over time you will adjust. I'm pullin' for ya!!

Erin said...

What a challenge! Your kids are good sports... I'm impressed! I'm pretty sure that I would be pouting if I had to pass up the cake at a birthday party :)

I'm anxious to hear more tips. I know it is a more healthy life style... and we could all benefit from that!

LuLuBelle said...

I've been gluten free for about 2 years now along with 2 daughters and a granddaughter (6). Feeling so much better makes it all worth it.

At first I lost weight as I just didn't know what to eat but believe me, I have found enough GF treats to put it all back on!! It takes a little more effort to bake your own goodies but there are some great recipes and even mixes out there.

You'll get the hang of it and soon it will be a piece of cake! (GF, of course)
Good luck and hooray to you for being a good mom!