I spent way too much time reading and trying to figure the Blog Party out. Maybe because I don't get enough sleep at night and the average person could figure it out just fine... I'm not sure. But I decided to tell you how to participate in seven very concise, easy to read steps. There are all kinds of prizes you can win - and you get to name which prizes you're interested in winning (which is awesome, because I really don't want to win a Hand Painted Porcelain Easter Egg... can you imagine how quickly it would be destroyed in my house??)
If you want to win prizes, you have to party - it's not just a contest you enter. So here's how :
1) Put the above button, or one of their other many designs, on your blog.
2) Host a party at your blog, telling people about yourself, posting pictures, and/or music, etc (see my example after learning how to participate)
3) Look through the prize page. Include in your post which prizes you'd like to win.
4)After posting about it, you have to sign the Mr. Linky on their Central Ultimate Blog Party Post. If you're like me, you think.. umm... I'm not already there?? Where is that? Here it is for you. Phew. Even a M.o.M. could figure it out.
5)Optionally submit a prize. I'm kind of getting into this late.. soooo.. I can't think of a prize off the top of my head that I could donate. I don't think anyone wants a gallon of frozen breastmilk and I'm not sure I have anything else interesting around here.
6)Get out and Party - which really means, if you want to win one of the prizes you have to comment on 20 other blogs.
7)Lastly, you have to comment on the Central Ultimate Blog Party Post. So technically.. you have to comment on 21 blogs. But that's neither here nor there.
So for those of you new and visiting me for the first time...
My name is Katie. I married my high school sweetheart. Besides his full time job, my husband is a youth pastor and Sergeant in the Army National Guard. I'm a M.o.M. (Mamma of Many) for the reason of having 5 children ages 6 and under :-) No I'm not crazy, I am busy though!
I had started reviewing baby products every Monday, on a brief hiatus because of a few weeks of family sickness! But that's coming back!
I love creating - knitting, sewing, scrapbooking, painting, etc. Which my kids completely get from me... if you randomly stopped by my house at any time someone is cutting, pasting, coloring, etc almost at all times :-) and I love it.
I love cooking and all things homemade. I like baking from scratch, making my own yogurt, jams, and more. I have not yet had a successful garden since being married - but this year is my year, people!
I have a constant reading list longer than I can accomplish but can't seem to stop myself from adding books to it anyway.
I love cloth diapering my kids and have become a huge fan of making my own wool items. I am planning on opening my own etsy store soon with hand dyed wool, knit longies, and more. All profits from my store will go towards our adoption savings. That's right, we want to adopt as well. We're considering different countries in Africa and want to adopt a set of siblings. I'm hoping and praying that we can do a debt free adoption, and so everything sold at my store will go towards bringing our children home from Africa.
One of my favorite new websites is momandus.com check it out :-)
So.. on to my favorite party prizes I hope to win :
#59 $25.00 cash
#60 $25.00 Amazon Gift Card
#39 $20 Amazon Gift Card
#67 Lily Cait Gift
#45 custom blog makeover
#67 blog makeover
#60 $25.00 Amazon Gift Card
#39 $20 Amazon Gift Card
#67 Lily Cait Gift
#45 custom blog makeover
#67 blog makeover
So thanks for stopping by and leaving comments! I hope to find other bloggers with similar interests as mine and hope you come back often!
So glad you decided to join in the fun! I'll be back again soon. I would love to hear how the adoption process goes for you.
Nice to meet you! Hope you get the money to bring your babies home from Africa! :) If you haven't met Owlhaven - she is a great homeschool blogging mama that has quite a few African beauties in her tribe. :)
Nice to meet you. We adopted from Guatemala. Good luck with the adoption process! Come on over to my party and say hello. Happy Partying!
Hi - thanks for stopping by our Bahamas party! Yes - that picture of Water's Edge is actually our patio! We can't believe it either :-) I can't believe you have 5 kids and are still ooking to adopt. I have great admiration for your bravery and generosity!
Hey! What a nice party post! We have a lot in common, I am also a cooking mama, love to cook! Unfortunately I like to eat it as well.. :)
5 kids and wanting more, wow! I'm having trouble with one :)
I'd love for you to visit my party and RS Designs party! Hope to see you again soon!
Welcome to the Ultimate Party! Your blog is awesome. Come over to mine, so we can meet. Have a great week! http://www.wearethatfamily.com
Welcome to the party! I love your steps for joining the party, that was great, it took me a while to figure it all out too, but I did and was very proud of myself!
Hello from Utah-
THis partying thing is prety fun-
Happy partying
Welcome to the party. I love your to the point style when you write. How awesome to have 5 under 6...it's a powerful way to be busy!
Nice to meetcha! Come visit me at
~peace to you
Hey there! I have 5 kid's, too. Only mine are 8 and under. I love the business, don't you. But sometimes it is hard, yet always, ALWAYS worth it.
If you'd like to visit you can find me at momville.blogspot.com
Hello! I am yet another mother of 5. They range between 2 months and 8 years. I am enjoying your blog and hope to hear from you. It's always nice to hear from other Christian mothers. :)
You seem like such an amazing woman and mother. I can't wait to hear more about you and your family. You are inspirational. Please visit me also.
Great to 'meet' you!! Wow, you do sound busy. You must be an amazing woman to have 5 children and do all those other things you love doing. Bless You!!
Hop over and 'meet' me on blog if you get the chance.
I had a hard time with the blog party but I am here. I am impressed with all you do. I too am a mom of 5 ages 6 and under with 9week old twins. Nice to meet you.
Hello again. Thanks for stopping by. You asked how long I've been homeschooling. We're about to wrap up our 6th year. It has been full of challenges and many more blessings. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Thank you for making it easy to understand...I thought I was the only confused one!
: )
Hi. I read one of you comments on another blog about homeschooling a first grader. I have one going into the first grade. Any curriculm ideas to share?????
Thanks for suggesting the curriculm. I will let you know if we use it or not. Hope to stay in touch.
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