Friday, March 7, 2008

Adoption is Greater Than the Universe

I like to visit Owlhaven and read often of their "large" homeschooling family, that has both biological and adoptive children. I like to read of what that looks like for them and the little daily snippets of "normal life" of such a family. I think you all could guess I enjoy that because we're well on our way to a "large" family :-) and because I have written our desire to adopt someday.

Anyway, she had titled today's post "Thinking about adopting?" and linked to this today.. a message from John Piper on Adoption that I really enjoyed and found quite moving. I hope you are inwardly spoken to as well.

1 comment:

Jenna Harris said...

If you like reading about large families, you should check out a couple of links on my blog.

My 7 Kids, is a friend of mine who have 5 biological kids and 2 adopted. You can find her blog under "Bloggers I Know in Real Life."