Liam was my biggest baby in weight, at 9 lbs 2 oz. He also had very wide shoulders!

He was welcomed by some extremely excited siblings.

Breastfeeding did not go so well with him, but snuggling and nap time was always a winning combination.

Somehow... he turned one.

Started doing silly things...

And copying his big brother whenever possible.

Then suddenly our "baby" was welcoming another baby home....
He's a busy little guy, FULL of energy... and the only time I get to rest is snuggling (which he still loves!)..

or when he's sleeping.

Happy Birthday little guy. You're loved more than you can even know. No matter how many birthdays you sneak past me to get to and how old you get... you'll always be my little curly headed baby.
(I think I'm going to go cry now)

what a little thing! lol
What a cutie...sigh..they grow up so fast. Miss Precious will be one year old in just a little over two weeks. And then my oldest will turn six next month.
I am going to go cry in a closet right along with you! *sniff*
Liam's hair is soooo cute! What an adorable little guy!
Love the curls!
Oh Katie, where did the time go? How did he grow that fast?
Happy Birthday Liam!
You made ME cry! Haha...
This was sweet. I can't believe we met only four months or so after he was born. Time has flown!
How sweet. The babies are growing up, aren't they? Owen will be 2 next week! Seems like I just brought him home and now he is getting ready to be a big brother! Where DOES the time go?
Happy Birthday, Liam!! Wow! You really are a big boy now...
he looks like such a sweetie!!
happy birthday, liam!!
He is SUCH a cutie! Happy birthday Liam!
such a sweet post! hope you all had a good day celebrating :)
I didn't realize that Liam and Peter are only a day apart! :)
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